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a lazy confession Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Posted by kairin in working life.

Having wrote this much, what am I going on about? I’m 24, about to graduate, currently experiencing what could be my future career, whilst wondering if I’m able to secure other more promising/rewarding options. At the same time, I’m drawing as much lessons as possible from the experience of others to make the most suitable decision (i don’t think this is a black/white matter).

as i read his entry, it dawned unto me that i am missing out something. or rather. i misplaced something. i am turning 24 in a month’s time. and i’ve yet to secure a job. worse, i have no idea where i am heading to, which explains why i’ve not secured a job.

as much as i wanted to, i have to admit the number of companies i’ve sent out my resume are small. to the extent that it is almost… nil. so much for trying my best. and it has already been more than a month that i do not have any mode of income streaming in. i’ve planned to get myself working on my resume, but as of the moment, my resumes are still the same as the last one i’ve done up in december 2005. i guess i am lacking something hence the lack of any positive replies on my resumes. guess its back to the drawing board? perhaps. first real post in 2006 and i’m already whining.

way to go.

:: edited :: on another note however, moss called me up to see how i was doing. and he reminded me that he might be able to offer me some help in getting a job. however i’m missing some important skills.

microsoft office skills. as much as i’d like to think i’m pretty good at it, in all honesty, i just suck. i can use word and excel on most stuffs. but i really need to work on learning MS Access. yeah, that database creation software. i feel so duh.

so i decide that i ought to go down to the local library nearby and pick myself a book on access, something i can pick up and learn fast. oh well. here goes~!